Tenant Pools For Apartments Are Too Rich To Ignore! 

Leverage This Ever Expanding Market with These 

Gen Y, Z, & Millennials Are Occupying Apartments In Record Numbers: The Future Is NOW!
How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments
How to Finally Earn the Money You Deserve in Real Estate Investing

PLUS, Get 5 FREE Bonuses!

* (Just pay S&H.  More Details Below)

My Gift To You!
This Amazon Best Seller is YOURS FREE! 
(A $14.95 Value)
Inside This Book You’ll Discover:
  • Case Studies: How real people are creating lump sum income and dependable monthly cash flow from small apartment / multi-family buildings.
  • How small apartments increase your cash flow faster than single family houses.
  • How to find cash cow properties you can buy for pennies on the dollar. (Multi-family properties are much easier to acquire than single family houses, and there is much less competition for deals)!
  • Where to get financing without your personal credit and without any cash out of pocket.
  • Why you never need to worry about tenants, toilets, and repairs.
  • Read on for details… and to claim your FREE BOOK.
Who is Lance Edwards?
Lance Edwards has bought and wholesaled apartments ranging from 3 units to nearly 300 units. He completed his first real estate deal – a small apartment – in 2002 (using none of his own cash or credit). Within 3 years, he was able to leave his corporate job of 20 years. 

Lance has been teaching others nationwide how to get started in apartments since 2007 using the techniques revealed here. From small apartments, you can quickly scale up to mid-size and large apartments – use these same proven recipes.

These strategies are revealed in his book: How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments.

Why Is This Free?
This is our introductory gift with no strings attached!  Get access to the book and discover why Small Apartments are a smarter investment over single family houses. 

You'll discover this unique method that has less competition. 

The hope is that once you learn about this niche of real estate investing and the quality of training from Lance Edwards after digesting this information you'll return to do business with us in the future. 

All I ask is you help pay a small shipping and handling fee to help cover costs. 

Sound fair? 

If you’d like a safe, fast, and insanely profitable way to make a fortune in real estate then this is the most important book you’ll ever read!
Here's What You'll Learn From This Amazing Book:
What I share with you in this book allowed me to leave my day job taking me from stressed-out desk jockey to multi-millionaire entrepreneur in just a few short years. (I’ll share my story with you in a minute, but this is real world stuff that works right now)!

And as you read along you’ll discover a specific blueprint for anyone to go from where you are right now to becoming financially free in just 5 years through small apartments.

Now, before I share with you all the exciting details… let me tell you what this is NOT about!
An Easier And More Profitable Alternative!
  • FIRST (and this is important) this is NOT the make “millions, get rich quick for doing nothing” kind of garbage floating around on the Internet.
  • ​This is NOT the traditional way of doing real estate. Small apartments are waaaaaay more lucrative than buying and selling single family houses, and have way less headaches and hurdles then larger commercial properties, immediately
  • This is NOT about getting mortgages, over leveraging yourself, or putting yourself at huge risk. (You can do this with no money and no credit)
  • And this is NOT about swinging hammers, fixing leaky sinks, or baby-sitting tenants. (You are an ASSET manager… not a property manager! There is a difference)
This is about a whole new world of real estate investing that’s widely profitable compared to buying and selling single family houses… and requires much less work with far less restrictions and limitations.

In fact, because you’re investing in small apartments (5 to 30 units) you’re working with business people who are ready to make decisions without the “emotional factor” usually associated with residential homeowners.

That means you make money faster, easier… and more profitably!
And no...! You Don’t Need To Use Your Own Money Or Credit To Fund Your Real Estate Ventures.
Here’s a bit about my story...

It was 2003. I needed a plan B as my company announced yet another round of “Forced Reduction In Labor”. We were already stretched thin trying to make ends meet, but facing the threat of the chopping block I needed a way to ensure my family’s security.

Honestly, I was scared. I did everything the right way… went to school, got a job… did everything to provide for my family I could. But that wasn’t enough.

So… starting with zero money and only a few hours per week that I could scrape by after my 9 to 5 days I was able to do my first small apartment - a 4-plex - with none of my own money down. (I share that story in the book.) And in the first 3 years I was able to close 50 more transactions part time and walk away from that corporate job. 

That was my motivation. Security for my family. That was my driving force. I couldn’t begin to guess why you went searching for this opportunity today, but I can tell you something…
Small Apartments Are For You If…
  • You want a passive way to provide for your family, creating dependable income each and every month with little work yet high return!
  • ​If you want to make BIG money from 1 transaction and 30 days of work that could pay your rent or mortgage for an entire year!
  • If you’re just getting started in real estate investing but not sure about the best way to get started
  • Or if you’ve been investing in real estate for some time but want less stress, less competition, less effort… and much more profit!
In My Book I Share With You 3 Ways To Make A Fortune In Small Apartments: 
You can make cash now, you can make cash monthly, and you can grow your net worth and create wealth for you and your family!
  • Imagine… paying off your credit card debt, loans, or cover the mortgage or rent for an entire year from just 30 days of “work” you do in your spare time.
  • ​Picture yourself never being worried about “making ends meet” again… because you know you have your own personal cash cow producing profits each and every month like clock work.
  • ​Put cash aside for rainy days so you never feel the frustration and anxiety of money worries ever again.
  • Think what would it be like to enjoy the finer things in life, drive the nicer car, live in the bigger house…  Be in total control of your time, spending your days how you want with the people you love!
  • ​Fund your kid’s school & set them up for success.
  • See the fruits of your efforts and feel what it would feel like being able to retire early knowing your nest egg is growing and you’re creating wealth even while you sleep!
Whatever you want, whatever your dreams are… investing in small apartments can help you get there. My book gives you a clear action plan for achieving your dreams.

There’s no fluff or filler. You’ll have specific action steps and strategy backed by proven case studies to guide your every move.
Here’s What You Can Expect To Find Within Its Pages…
  • How to create financial freedom in five years or less using none of your own cash or credit. (You’ll learn my 1-1-1 formula that sets you up for total financial success).
  • ​Why Small Apartments are the smart investment that you can start right now with no experience. (You don’t need any background in real estate, you can start doing these small apartment deals – they are easier than you think)! 
  • ​In chapter 2 I’ll walk you though my 7 keys to building a real estate empire in just a few short years! 
  • ​Why  Small Apartments are GOLD MINES with little competition. (Single family investors don’t know how to start and big “private equity” buyers only want single homes and big complexes… this market is practically untouched)! 
  • ​On page 17 you’ll see my I.D.E.A.L. formula for analyzing winning investments giving you maximum income and tax benefits.
  • The fastest way to get big checks upfront in your spare time in the next 30 days or less. (Page 22). You’ll learn from a real world $24,000 profit case study.
  • ​How to make money in apartments without ever having a tenant. (No renter, no repairs, just cash in your pocket)! 
  • Why Small Apartments are easier than single-family houses, with less restrictions and larger advantages!
  • ​What you can do to predictably increase your net worth by 5, 6, and even 7-figures  (and how you can leverage your profits to grow tax-free)!
  • ​The 12 KEY advantages of Small Apartments over other types of investments. 
  • Why you never need to swing a hammer yourself. When you do Small Apartments the right way you never need to do repairs yourself. You are NOT in the property management business… You are in the ASSET management. In fact, when you follow my steps you’ll never pay for repairs out of pocket! 
  • ​​Page 180 gives you an under-used broker’s secret to getting 100% financing on your properties without going to a bank! You won’t need a penny out of pocket to buy your properties.
  • ​Alternative funding sources that don’t require money down or credit checks. When you deal with Small Apartments you use the value of the property NOT your personal financial situation. 
  • ​In chapter 8 I give you 16 strategies for making big checks right now, passive monthly income without work, and skyrocket your net worth! 
  • ​How to buy real estate for pennies on the dollar from your kitchen table and make lump sum checks without even seeing the building or setting foot on the property! 
  • ​...And that’s just scratching the surface of what’s covered...
Consider This Your Field Guide To 
Small Apartment Investing
If you want immediate cash, passive cash flow and to build a financial fortress around you and your family then look no further. You’ll find it in this book.

This isn’t some cheap special report. It’s a real live, actual book. 179 pages. All content, no fluff or filler. And yes, it is a best seller for a reason. I’ll explain why I’m giving you a copy as my gift to you in a minute, but let me ask you…
Do You Want:
  • To free yourself from your job?
  • ​A serious retirement plan that you control?
  • A proven blueprint to getting started and making real money in real estate?
  • ​…Or scale up an exciting real estate business and get bigger paydays?
  • To never think about money worries, fund your dreams and goals, spend more time with family, and pay for your kids college?
  • ​...Or you just want to explore new opportunities for creating an additional income?
If the answer is "YES" to any of these questions, then I highly recommend you reserve your copy of my book, “How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments”.
So Why Am I Giving You A FREE Copy Of My Best Selling Book?
I know that’s probably the question in your head right now. “What’s the catch?”, you’re thinking.

This book is yours FREE. 

All I ask is you pay $6.77 to help me cover shipping and handling. If you look online right now, this book costs $14.95 for the printed version plus shipping and handling. That’s exactly what I’m sending you… so any way you look at it, it’s a good deal.

All I need you to do is tell me where to ship your copy and I’ll rush deliver it to your door right away!

There’s no catch. No funny business. You request a copy, I’ll send it to you. It’s that simple.

But why?

OK, there are actually a few reasons.

FIRST… This book has changed lives and I want to get this message into as many hands as possible. When you read it you’ll find actual case studies of my students from around the country from all walks of life and backgrounds who are using the very same strategies outlined in the book to achieve amazing things!

For example, you’ll read about Dan Badinghaus and his 18-year-old son Dylan. Dan owns a small construction company working himself to the bone to provide for his family. In his own words, his retirement plan was to “drop dead on a retirement site”, joking he’ll have to work until the day he died. 

After learning these Small Apartment Strategies he and his son made their first $30,000 in just 9 business days! (See their story in Chapter 1)

Or Terri Attaway who made $24,000 on her first Small Apartment “flip”. (Page 37)

Or Denon William and Terry Warren who were both laid off after 25 years on their job and considered completely “unbankable” by traditional lenders. As business partners they went on to raise $6 Million in funding for small apartment deals without using any of their own money, credit and with no prior experience.

I can go on and on… but I know the power of this information and I would do you a disservice if I didn’t do everything in my power to get this book into your hands.

SECOND… Consider this putting my best foot forward. It’s my hope that you read this book, get involved in small apartments, and consider one of my future programs down the road. I’m not going to “hound” you or call your phone endlessly… but if this sparks your interest you’ll know where you can find me (my info is in the book).

 THIRD… I’m re-releasing the print edition of this book. The current e-book is an Amazon Best Seller. I’ve launched the print edition and I want more reviews. So, if anything, all I ask is one small favor… to leave a fair review from your personal experience of the book.

Sound fair?

This Is A Limited Time Offer!
I do have to make you aware of one thing!

You see, my publisher has sent me only 500 copies of the print edition of this book. They are ready to be shipped immediately. Once they are gone, they’re gone.

Considering the number of copies my last edition sold I expect this FREE book offer to expire fast.

So if the thought of creating real serious cash from Small Apartments appeals to you, then do not wait.

Click the button below and start the secure reservation process. All you need to do is complete the form and I’ll rush you a copy of “How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments”.

Plus I’ll also send you several…
FREE Bonuses For Taking Action Now!

BONUS #1: FREE Webinar Training

Wealth Without Landlording - How I Do It
Part-time Small Apartment Wealth Creation Strategies (Without Being a Landlord)

Learn these 3 Secrets:

- How to act as an Asset Manager and not a Property Manager/Landlord

- Create a higher and better value experience for our clients (residents and investors)

- How to spend only 1 hour per week managing properties using my proprietary system

BONUS #2: Case Study

How an Immigrant Recently Went from His First Check for $21,000 to Buying an $8 Million Apartment Using None of His Own Cash or Credit

BONUS #3: Audio Stories from Successful Clients

Hear testimonials and stories of a few of the successful students of Lance Edwards’ Multifamily Investing training programs. 

Each of these students explains how they purchased their first multifamily property and/or flipped their first apartment contracts – using none of their own cash or credit.

BONUS #4: The Five Most Popular Funding Strategies that Don't Require Cash or Credit and 1st Timer Case Studies

Learn some of the basic techniques to fund your transactions

Lance shares some valuable 1st Timer Case Studies

BONUS #5: The Little Black Book - Lance Edwards' Doable Deal System

How to Get More Real Estate Deals Done with Confidence

That’s FIVE Incredible Bonuses Just For Claiming Your FREE Copy Of My Book! 
(All I ask is you help with the cost of shipping and handling.)
You’ve got to act now!

Time is running out. Not just for this offer, but for you to take back control of your income, your freedom, and your life.

Isn’t it finally time you made the rules?

This book is your field guide drawing you the road map for creating the life and lifestyle you’ve always dreamed.

Make your decision today. It’s an easy one. 

If all this book did was help you open your eyes to new possibilities and give you a clearer direction on what you truly want in life… wouldn’t that be worth it alone? 

Go ahead, get started now. My team will ship you out a book immediately and I look forward to hearing back on what you think.

P.S. - I want to send you a free copy of my best selling book, “How to Make Big Money in Small Apartments”. This book sells for $14.95 but all I ask is you cover the cost of shipping and I’ll rush deliver your copy to your door.  But hurry, supplies are limited...
P.P.S. - This book answers all your questions about Small Apartments and why it’s such an amazing investment model even if you’re starting with no money or no credit, and without any prior experience.

The most common questions we get are…
  • How do I get started without money or credit?
  • How do I do this without much free time?
  • Where do I find good apartment deals I can buy without cash?
  • ​Where do I get the money to buy properties?
  • ​What do I say to a property seller?
  • What are the tax advantages to owning apartments? (There are plenty!)
All of these questions are answered in my book, plus many more. 

All I can say is that "YES, YOU CAN DO THIS!

And I give you a proven plan to follow....

P.P.P.S. - Yes, this book is a best seller and I’m sending you a physical copy to your door. Here are some of the great reviews I’ve received so far… 
I can’t wait to hear yours:

This book and the methods inside gives others the encouragement and necessary understandings to evolve their business and plan for retirement.”  ~ Peter Arianas 

I’ve used the methods taught by the Lance Edwards team and now I have acquired multiple streams of income and my business has exploded.”  ~ Delwin Marks 

Lance Edwards and his crew gave me the courage to always ask about deals and never pass on an opportunity.”  ~ Scott Kodak

Even the newest newbie can start today and make more money than they ever imagined within the first thirty days.”  ~ Traci Williams

Thanks to Lance Edwards, my business has completely shifted, and now I make three times the money for the same amount of work. The plan really works and I’m grateful to incorporate it into my business.”  ~ Terri Attaway

I’ve personally shared many of Lance’s tips with my friends and colleagues and I’m thrilled to now be able to recommend a book that packs all of the tips into an individual source.”  ~ Anil Sikri 

“We have worked with the Edwards team for years — both in marketing as well as building informative real estate webinars. The information in this book is nothing short of the essential instruction manual for beginners as well as a reminder for lifelong professionals.”  ~ Randy Hughes (“Mr. Land Trust” )

“Lance has traveled many miles and influenced many minds. The information provided in his new book highlights his decade of experience in simple terms for all of those to follow.”  ~ Mark Waide (Trustee, Akron/Canton REIA)

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